
Imukuppi is a place for us random monkeys to type our versions of the works of Shakespeare.

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Feel free to send us , beer, diamonds, good music, fast cars (Ferrari preferred), bars of gold or large amounts of currency. Thanks!

Content hosted here includes, but is not limited to:


Maailman kovinta kyykkää.

English summary: Kyykkä is a sport from Eastern Finland. It's like the bastard son of Cricket and Golf, or something like that.


Sketches of various Deep Sky objects, such as galaxies, nebulae and star clusters.

Aarne ja Antero

An educational comic with moral teachings which cast their purifying light of wisdom over the wastelands of human depravity.

Imukupista löytyy muun skeidan lisäksi turvallinen nettikasino. Kato eri vaihtoehdot ja panosta kaikki punaiselle.


Creating aliens. Trellet is a Finnish simracing community with over 250 registered members and numbers are going up constantly. Currently hosting rFactor and GPL leagues. All Finnish speaking simracers are welcome to join.

"crusoe is editor  bishopric but shallow not cabbage order.
Here lull ease may fodder and gresham bearish, ackley not cotton."